OKAY! So this isn't really the final since there's gonna be a lot more to add like captions and other photos that aren't given to me yet, but as I've said in my Instagram account, it feels so surreal to hold an actual manuscript of a book I have designed, and taken pictures for. Knowing that it's going to be published sooner or later, it ignites anticipation because as soon as this gets done, I can proudly say that a dream came true.
Yes, it has always been my dream to see my name on a book. I have always wanted to put a book in my shelf and then show it to people, telling them that I took part in its creation. Ever since grade school, I've always hoped to publish something I did.
I used to think that this dream will happen with me as the writer. But the first step is not always what you expect. Sometimes, it's far better than what you wanted.
We're still halfway through finishing the book despite the deadline being just a week from now; but I already claim the pride. I have my shots here. I'm doing 90% of the book's layout. And most importantly, I have my name on the credits. That's saying something for someone who doesn't have much to offer, to be honest.
I know it's too early but I just can't help myself. I have created a manuscript, an actual manuscript, which is set for publishing. People are gonna buy the book we're creating. They're going to see what we've worked so hard for. And hopefully, they're gonna appreciate. I hope they do appreciate.
But let me tell you one thing: more than the pride of being 'published', the more important thing to me is that this book had provided me a bigger chance to do something I've always wanted to do, and that is to promote my province. Now, my objective has gone beyond La Bulaqueña.
Bulacan had always been a beautiful place but too underrated, especially for tourists. We have no beach to attract foreigners during summer, or extensive natural wonders to boast. But we have impressive churches and a real deal of historic and cultural importance; and I believe that's enough to take pride on.
This book is a simple one, but I hope it does strike readers where it should. I hope that through the simple write-ups and photos which we painstakingly put together, we get to nudge everyone's sleeping interest on our province awake. I pray that through the pieces of information we have decided to include in this soon-to-be publication, we can inspire and motivate many to visit a place that is actually more than what it's given credit for.
After all, Bulacan isn't just about crime incidents, smuggled rice warehouses, and natural calamities. It's more than all of that.