Time flies fast, doesn't it? Just a month ago, I was fussing over the fact that after three years of being stuck at home, I'll finally be starting on a real job that would require me to go to an office everyday, in my corporate attire. It was an unusual thing for me because I got used to being just who I recklessly want to be.
But of course, things have to change. If I want a better life and a better future, things have to change.
And so it all began.
People say that when you enjoy something, time seems to fly. And carrying over the logic that a month flew fast to me is enough to convince myself that I am actually enjoying this job. I know I have to do well in everything because of the people who put their faith me and so the pressure's there, but it's all tolerable. And as I wonder how my situation is, the more I believe that this is where I'm really meant to be.
Yes, it has been a month since I entered CitySavings; and in that short span of time, a lot has changed. After four weeks of training, I can now say that I know something about banking. The company had supplied me things I need to know, and I'm just so grateful.
I came back to Monumento a week ago. The Valenzuela branch will be opening on the 20th and somehow, that makes me nervous. I've met the manager and I don't think he's comfortable with me at all, but then I'm there not to please him but to work. Although hopefully, we would be able to start on the right foot when we're in the branch.
This is exciting. I've wondered for so long if I'll last a month in this job. Obviously, I did. And I'm looking forward to more months with this company. God bless me, please.