I'm currently getting pissed off. I can never understand why some people always flare up instantly - like every word seems to be a liter of gasoline poured onto the blazing fire. It's totally annoying. I hate being shouted at for my statements which are supposed to be sarcastic.
I totally abhor people who make it seem like they're the only ones who can do things, like they're the only ones who can perform well, like they're the only ones who know everything. I hate those who always compare everyone to themselves because it just doesn't make sense. People are different. People have different ways in dealing with everything. It's just not fair to always mandate people to do things according to their selfish wills. It's not okay. I'm angered.
The problem is there's no understanding between everyone. The problem is while people are talking about always staying humble, some would take advantage of it and would lift themselves up on the pedestal.
If that isn't stupid, I don't know what is.
You see, it's very, very annoying. I hate double standards, which is always the case. And I can't accept that. I can never, ever accept that. I don't like people who always think that they're the only ones who feel tired, who feel sad, who feel pressured. And I fucking don't like people who use that as the lamest excuse to fucking put everyone else down.
It's Maundy Thursday. This isn't supposed to be happening.