It was by far one of the most tiring Holy Week experience ever. What I thought will be a laid-back one turned out to be one of the most exhausting. I am already working so I didn't have enough time to ready myself for what was to come; and so I got tired.
But as this is one of the most tiring, this is basically the most rewarding. No joke there. This Lenten Season is definitely my most favorite.
I'm not gonna talk about what I did during the past few days; but I'm gonna hope that I can put into words all the emotions I felt when I was seeing each moment happen through the lenses of the camera I used. I fervently pray that whatever transpired within me during those days, I can share with all of you without missing out on anything.
While I'm thinking of terminologies to use, my mind just concluded that all in all, this experience was like a brand new experience. Although I've been doing this kind of service for the past few years, it is only this time that I felt like I know what I'm doing.
You see, when you know what you're doing something for, its essence becomes exponential. That's what happened. When the week opened on Palm Sunday, I knew that for the first time in my life as the parish photographer, I'm gonna be totally serious.
And I guess that's the most important learning. I think that's what made everything extra special. Knowing my purpose granted me that sense of fulfillment, that sense of completeness - that despite the physical, emotional and mental stress we've all gone through, our willingness to use this talent to serve the Lord prevailed.
Thinking about it, there is only one reason why I got through it: I offered everything for the glory of His name. Prior to all events, I always whisper a prayer, asking God to give me strength and let me maximize my talent so I can use it to honor Him.
And judging from the reception of the people and the sense of joy within me right now, I knew He heard me.
As for my Lenten reflection, there was not one moment during the Holy Week that I didn't feel overwhelmed. Superstitions might dictate that we should not feel cheerful during these days because Jesus was suffering, but I believe otherwise. If there's anything to feel, I believe it has to be joy.
He died for us and salvation came in the form of His death on the cross. If that kind of love won't move you, I don't know what else will. Once again, I might be overreacting but it's true when I say that there are several moments when I was attending masses that I actually teared up. I actually cried.
I feel ashamed because I'm a sinner, but that doesn't mean God's ashamed of me as well. And that is exactly why I was crying: because despite of my sins, I am loved.
The Holy Week of 2015 had brought changes to my spiritual life. It cleansed my thoughts and redirected my journey. Although I couldn't remember every words said by the priests during their sermons or I might have not prayed that much during processions, I will never forget how these days made me feel.
And I hope... I hope I wasn't the only one who felt that way. ♥