Friday, November 28, 2014

It's normal for me to get a lot of things done when I'm in the mood like today, but it's exciting to note that after a long time, I got to feel really accomplished with what I did this afternoon. One little act, but it ignited the fire of hope in me that maybe, maybe there's still a chance for me to change.

I'm talking about saving money. Since I received my salary yesterday, I went to the mall this afternoon to pay my bills. Now, that is always challenging because I tend to get lured ALL THE TIME into an impulsive shopping spree whenever I go there - resulting to me, not being able to pay my bills on time. But the good news is I was able to suppress the temptation. That's one accomplishment!

Next thing, I went to the groceries because Mama wanted me to buy some ingredients. She gave me money, and normally, I would be careless enough to spend everything. But then again, I didn't; and it kinda astounded me to realize that I actually headed straight to the counter to pay after getting everything I need. This made me realize that jotting down a grocery list BEFORE I go to the supermarket is NECESSARY. Having a calculator with me is, too.

Finally, what made me feel so proud was the fact that I got to deposit my extra money in my account. Thanks to the deposit-through-ATM feature of my bank, I have found it exciting to actually put in my finances. No harsh lines and long waits like how it is in actual branches. I just need their special envelope and my ATM card. The downside though is that the amount won't be reflected on your balance until the next day. But that's okay. At least, I got to save my money!

Now, this may sound totally weird and so childish to fuss on; but you see, to be able to control myself from spending too much is one of my biggest dreams. To see my bank account with money to spend on myself, my family, and on emergencies has been in my bucket list for years already. And hopefully, I get to make it come true now.

Constantly struggling for the past six months just so I could have money to pay my bills definitely taught me the value of being thrifty. Due to the sacrifices, hardships and embarrassments I had to go through because I have no money at all had convinced me that never again in my life will I allow my account to go zero.

Now this is the plan: Whatever amount I will receive from this day onward, I will not use unless needed. I will make use of the extra BPI envelopes to actually stop myself from spending too much. And then everytime I get to collect decent amounts, I will head immediately to the mall to deposit the money through ATM.

I'm actually excited. I'm expecting a few more amounts to come this coming month so hopefully I get to stick to this whole ordeal. HAHAHA :)

Feeling Accomplished

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

One night, I was reviewing my photography basics when I came across one tip that would be the biggest push in my ability: MASTER THE RULES, AND THEN BREAK IT. It was a hilarious irony, for those who don't understand, but for those practicing photography, this is the golden rule.

That's why when I picked up Celine's Nikon D90, I decided to play along the motivation. And there's one thing I have totally put focus on: EXPOSURE.

They say that good pictures must have balanced exposure. Not too bright. Not too dark. When it's too bright, it's overexposed. When it's too dark, it's underexposed. That's why many people make sure that they do not go against the light when taking shots. Pictures must be balanced for the color to stand out. There should be enough light to enhance the elements, and this is perhaps one of the reasons why flashes and lights are incorporated in this art.

I once got into trouble with my grades in my photog class during college when I submitted an underexposed shot of glasses. Nevertheless, I got a 90, if I'm not mistaken. Sir DJ (+) must have seen the potential (or I'm just boosting my self-confidence here, idk.)

For years, I've believed that photos must be balanced. But maybe, it's just because it's the golden rule. However, this morning, I realized that I know already the basics about this aspect, and so I'm off to the next step: breaking it.

But of course, without the intention to stray away totally from the rule.

1/15 | f/4 | ISO 200 | Exposure Compensation: -2/3

The picture above was my version of an overexposed shot. I was lucky to get a glimpse of the sun through the leaves of our mango tree, and I thought that it would do a great subject. Generally speaking, overexposure charms me in a way I cannot fully explain. But trying to put it into words, I imagine overexposed shots as dreamy and fantasy-like. The light contributes much to the softness of the image that creates the impression of a beautiful and relaxing scenery.

To be honest, I attribute my interest towards overexposed photos to Nature Republic's shots of EXO. Someday, I'm gonna take pictures of people like that too.

1/800 | f/4 | ISO 400 | Exposure Compensation: -2/3

Now, this is my version of underexposure. Although I added that vignette style for added drama, the whole silhouette approach of the cross was because I had in underexposed. Normal people would think that this is not a good shot because you cannot see the elements in the cross; but I think there's nothing wrong with this.

Drama. Basically, it's what underexposure gives. If overexposure creates this surreal feeling, this one gives off the dramatic vibe - mainly the feelings of longing, sadness and despair. But then, it also exudes mystery and curiosity.

Personally, I think I'll love using underexposure for my portraits. It has always been my dream to take silhouette shots of people with the royal sunset behind them, after all. :)

I am not a professional photographer, but I'm sharing with you these tips. Or maybe, I just want to convince other people that going against the rules is really not that bad? I don't know LOL

Overexposure & Underexposure: The Thoughts of an Amateur

Monday, November 24, 2014

It's not a secret that I'm one of the busiest people in town during the preparations for the Feast Day of Christ the King. Teased as 'Hermana', I am one of those who had to exert 101% effort to get things done, to meet deadlines, to gather people, and to assure smooth flow of the whole event. It was like a practice for what I learned in college. It was an opportunity I have found to get myself go back to how I was a few years ago.

It was totally tiring though because only a few cooperates. It didn't help that I was constantly irked by people who didn't even know what they were supposed to do yet won't listen to my directions because I'm younger than they are. But I guess, there's not a single event where people like those do not exist. There will always be one of their kind.

Due to pressure and stress, I have even come close to giving up. I even told my mom that I don't want to do it anymore. I even fought with my dad because of my mood swing. But I knew I couldn't, I shouldn't... and I wouldn't.

Because I have taken the first step and so there's no turning back.

To be honest, I don't want to go back to the rants and complaints which came out of my mouth during the whole preparation period. The more important thing is screaming at my face, telling me that in spite of all the hardships and trials, everything turned out successful.

It's That Feeling Again

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Tomorrow, November 23, the Catholic Church will be celebrating the feast of Christ the King. Aside from being the highest among the religious feasts, it marks the end of the church calendar. Coming after it is the advent/Christmas season.

In the Parish of St. Francis of Assisi in Meycauayan, Christ the King celebrations are organized and prepared by the so-called Sub-Parish Pastoral Councils. And this year, the sponsor is Banga SPPC. 

And I came from Banga.

To be very honest, I never intended to take part in the preparation. I know how things work in this part of Meycauayan and I don't want to deal with the headaches that will come from the people I'm going to work with. Plus, no one's asking for my help. I don't want to come up rude (they'll take it like that) and boastful to offer my help. I'm just a child to their eyes and to them, I can do nothing.

Yet, the Commission on Liturgy in the parish decided that I should help. And so readily, I agreed. 

As expected, it wasn't easy. 

Working on this event for the past three weeks wasn't a walk in the park. I was exposed to the saddening fact that there are still people who don't know what they're here for and what they're doing despite being in this field of service for almost 20 years. It's very disgusting how politics still play an immense role among people who are supposed to come together as one for this event. And at one point, I really hated it that I thought of quitting.

But a friend made me realize that perhaps, this is like a starting point for the place I grew up in. Maybe, God made use of this event to tell the world about what's wrong, and propose solutions at the same time. Personally, this event allowed me to build up the courage I should have possessed when I was still actively serving in this place. It gave me enough strength to stand up for the rights of the youth, and (I must admit) to tell them that we can do it. 

As I look back in the past three weeks, I try to evaluate myself. And then I realized that I have come a long way through this opportunity to meddle with the decisions here. I have established an authority (don't take it wrongly!), established connections with a lot of important people, and gave myself the satisfaction of doing something big for Banga.

However, the greatest accomplishment (I hope it is!) would be the fact that I have managed to instill in the mind of the adults here that their youth has something to offer. There's not a meeting of ours that gone by that I don't encourage them to trust them. After all, BCY Banga is one of the most trusted and efficient sub-commissions in the parish. And I'm proud of them, really.

When I think about it, I'm doing this for BCY Banga. I want them to be recognized as an important part of the SPPC because they are! And personally, I think it's a way of making up with what I failed to do when I became their chairperson... and I hope that wherever Milton is right now, he sees my intention and become proud as well. :)

New Year's Eve: Happy Christ the King!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

I'm not gonna pretend like I know everything. I'm not gonna act high and almighty just because I know a little. I'm not that type of person who finds glory in popularity and fame. I'm never gonna be that person whose life is being run by the opinions of others around her.

Thus, I give no one the right to judge me for whatever I do. As I constantly say, there's not only one way to get something important done. Maybe for some, it applies; but for most, it doesn't. People must learn how to understand that there is a reason why the word 'plural' exists.

I am getting fed up being shouted at for being 'stupid' and for not knowing anything. I hate being the subject of backfights and baseless criticism from people who do not feed me. I am getting tired of seeing people slash on me for doing the same thing as they do. I hate seeing myself in some sort of competition I never entered.

Because I can never find comfort in the idea of putting others down just so one can stay on top.

No, I'm not gonna be like that.

I'm Not That Type of Woman

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

It was a few months ago when I took this picture. The Parish of St. Francis of Assisi had gone through a major change that was celebrated by a high mass officiated by the bishop. I can still clearly remember that morning when everyone was in the state of panic. The bishop had arrived, the mass was about to start. I was in front, ready with my camera, when I was called to the back. When I arrived, I was instantly handed the bishop's iPad Mini and was instructed to take pictures of him. I complied and then just when I was about to set it up, the bells were rung and the choir began to sing. The mass was starting.

To say that I was calm that very moment was untruthful. I was in a state of panic already when I got there and it doubled. I captured this shot without going through too much details with the gadget and my ordinary bridge camera. It didn't make it to the bishop's Facebook page. I should have known it was reserved for a better place.

Actually, it's not the shot that I'm fussing on. It's what I felt during those few seconds that I took this. I was tearing up. In joy, in contentment, in relief (because the two-week stress had finally ended), I don't know. But one thing was sure: I was grateful. 

To see beginnings had always been my simple pleasure in life. That's why I love weddings, pregnant people, the sunrise, and town boundaries. To know that something new is starting excites me so much because it makes me feel like there's another thing to look forward to. Hope's ignited and I guess, that's the best feeling of all. 

But circumstances happened and I guess things changed. I don't want to admit it but somehow, everything that unfolded since that day I took this shot had given me things to ponder on, to help me realize that at the end of the day, everything's still a work in progress.

Right now, the Christ the King celebration is fast approaching. And as I stare at the picture above, I just can't help but wish that I feel again what I felt that day. I want to tear up in joy because I was part of a heavenly service, because I was lucky enough to be given that opportunity, because I was simply there. 

I want to go back to that sincere individual who was just taking pictures of whatever that pleases her eyes during mass. I want to go back to that grateful little girl who puts her faith on topmost priority, who knows what everything is for. 

A Simple Wish