Thursday, November 13, 2014

I'm Not That Type of Woman

I'm not gonna pretend like I know everything. I'm not gonna act high and almighty just because I know a little. I'm not that type of person who finds glory in popularity and fame. I'm never gonna be that person whose life is being run by the opinions of others around her.

Thus, I give no one the right to judge me for whatever I do. As I constantly say, there's not only one way to get something important done. Maybe for some, it applies; but for most, it doesn't. People must learn how to understand that there is a reason why the word 'plural' exists.

I am getting fed up being shouted at for being 'stupid' and for not knowing anything. I hate being the subject of backfights and baseless criticism from people who do not feed me. I am getting tired of seeing people slash on me for doing the same thing as they do. I hate seeing myself in some sort of competition I never entered.

Because I can never find comfort in the idea of putting others down just so one can stay on top.

No, I'm not gonna be like that.