Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Day 3: March 13, 2018

I halted my gym training. My pneumonia came back and I seemed to have determined the cause why it wouldn't leave, finally. It's probably because I don't sweat that much in the gym. My mind will tell me that I am really sweating a lot because of my cold back but when I put my hands inside my shirt, there would be nothing. But the back feels cold and I'm guessing the sweat just don't break out and it dries up inside.

Ending? Pneumonia.

Severe coughs recently went back. I even had an attack yesterday and I thought there's no way out anymore. I just couldn't breathe. While many of my friends have been telling me already to go back to my doctor, time just won't permit me plus I need to put my mom first. She'll have to go to her gastro too and if she knew that I need to go to my doctor too, she'll end up postponing her medications. You know, mothers.

That's why I decided to just go back to what I know is effective to me: DANCING in a SAUNA SUIT.

Whenever I wear a sauna suit and do my stuff, I really tend to sweat a lot. That's why I opted to splurge on a suit worth 700.00 last Sunday and decided to try it this morning while learning to dance SNSD's THE BOYS. Tita's still sleeping on the other room so I can't really dance (floor's made of wood) so I just did the hand movements. hehehe.

Anyway, I look like a walking trash bag but it's okay lol All my windows are closed and door's locked. LOL.